Year – 1987
Developer – Capcom
Genre – Action Platformer
Life – Not enough (28 bars)
Lives – 3
Continues – Unlimited
I remember more about the Megaman series as a whole than I do about the first instalment. I’m actually not sure I ever played the original. Well I’m getting the chance now.
Turning on the game I got exactly what I was expecting, a stage select screen showing all the baddies that I was going to have to kill. The names were also incredibly unique (Cutman, Elecman, Gustman, etc.). Usually there’s a certain order that makes the game easier, but I don’t know what that is, so I just started on the Elecman stage (because I liked his facemask).
I was immediately presented with a task I found impossible. Jumping up on platforms where these little spikey things would knock me off all over the place, I didn’t even get past the first screen. Wow. I’m either really rusty, or this is really hard – not sure which at this point.
After some time I did get to the next screen, which was the same thing, but twice as hard since the platforms were smaller – but I actually skipped through there after dying only once and having to start over.
My next stumbling block was a timing thing. Blocks that appear and vanish and you have to jump from one to the other and just pray that it’s waiting for you so you don’t fall all the way back to the beginning.
The rest of the level was a bit repetitive but it took me forever to finally get to the boss at the end. Only to discover I was woefully unprepared to beat him. I really have to work on my old school platforming skills. I don’t think I even hit him 3 times my first 3 tries. That electro bolt thing he threw was just too much for me to handle. It took me a while (read a ‘long’ while) to finally beat him at his own jumping and shooting game, but I did it! Then I discovered I could go back and play his stage again – kind of cool, but I was soooo not going back there.
Next – Bombman …
I actually breezed through this one. The stage wasn’t that difficult, there was simple patterns to everything. The platforming was relatively straightforward. The only guys I had issue with were the shield guys. I still don’t have a viable strategy for beating them without getting hit a bunch. I am assuming that some type of weapon I don’t have yet would help.
The boss was easy, I beat him on my first run. Switched to electro suit, blasted away trying to avoid the bombs – and that was all it took.
And my new nemesis … moving platforms that drop from beneath you. I think part of the problem is that megaman drops like a stone. He seems to go up in a slow beautiful arch, but down is another story. Straight down, do not pass go, do not attempt to manoeuvre into a safe location.
But after getting past those the level was a breeze. I switched over to electrozapper mode and busted in on the boss. He wiped the floor with me – really quickly actually. The stun when he jumped made things really difficult. I tried a few times and just didn’t have any luck. Then I switched suits and tried bomberman – that did it. Those puppies do a good bit of damage, I think I only had to hit him three times and it was game over. Nice.
Next – Cutman …
Another stage that didn’t really challenge me. I was kind of disappointed, for a guy with a scissor on his head there wasn’t really much to this level. I ran through most of it, got lucky with some energy drops and the only thing that stalled me was the bouncy thing just before the end of the stage. Cutman himself was too predictable, though I did kill him then die from his returning scissors once. It only took me one continue to get his pattern down cold and next time I beat him without being touched. Easiest boss up to this point actually.
Next – Iceman …
I suppose I should have known going in that I’d be slipping and sliding all over the level. Well I didn’t, and I was surprised. The level itself wasn’t difficult until the floating helicopters. It’s like they throw something in to each level that is going to kill you over and over until you’re lucky enough to make it through. I guess that’s how they can make random enemies drop free lives.
Next – (And last) Fireman
This level was actually one of the most challenging. I spent a bunch of time farming the flying flame things for energy after jumping through all kinds of spurting flame, vertical, horizontal, flying, spinning, it never stopped. Now I can see why the guy’s head is on fire. The boss wasn’t a problem, basically stood there blasting with the ice beam until one of us died. With all my cool weapons things are a snap at this point. Yay, game over! Or not … I’m comin’ for you Wily!
After the easy stages all I have to say about the Wily stage is: HOLY CRAP HARD.
The Good Stuff:
The gameplay is addicting, the levels are short and sweet with enough variation that you never know what’s coming. The unlimited continues is really nice, there are even ‘save points’ during the levels where you start over (new life, not continue). You get some variety of weapons, all of which have their uses during the game. It adds a nice mix of strategy into a platformer.
I also love the look of megaman when he jumps ‘Yeah!’ every time it makes me smile. Especially jumping through the sliding door things and getting the slow motion jump through the air.
The Ugly Stuff:
Not being able to save your position when the game crashes kind of sucks. Basically starting over because you couldn’t keep the power on long enough to finish doesn’t seem fair after all the work you have to do to get your cool new weapons.
The obscene difficulty of the mud monster thing that rips itself apart and rebuilds itself. I think I burned out my jump button on that and still didn’t ‘quite’ get the pattern perfectly every time.
Didn’t Megaman have 8 bad guys?
Really enjoyed the game, I was kind of thrown off with the ‘Rockman’ title, I didn’t know Megaman spawned from that. At the end of the game he’s running along with two good arms and he isn’t a robot – interesting how things changed isn’t it?
I almost found it too easy getting through the initial stages, but Wily’s area made up for that in spades. Having to fight all the bosses one after another to get to Wily was pretty brutal. But I learned new strategies for dealing with them all having to fight them again and I think I could beat them in their own stages even faster now.
Not sure about replay, I don’t currently want to subject myself to playing through the whole game at one sitting again so soon, but maybe I’ll get the urge again in the future … not holding my breath though.
Fun - 7/10
My fun meter broke when the game crashed after I’d killed the mud monster thing for the first time.
Gameplay – 9/10
The controls are smooth, Rockman did exactly what I wanted him to do when I wanted him to do it. The reaction was excellent and I didn’t have any ‘how did that work’ moments
Story - 3/10
There really wasn’t much story involved. ‘Fight for peace!’ That’s all a good guy needs right?
Audio – 7/10
I actually enjoyed some of the music in this one, maybe my hearing is going?
Visual – 8/10
Interesting graphics, nice levels, well done.
Arbitrary coolness – 30/?
Overall Score – 10/10
Eh, can't really fault it for not having as many robot masters as the later ones. Afterall, it kinda came first. Otherwise, this is a spot on look at one of the greats of the NES.